Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Baking

Why is it that this year I felt the overwhelming urge to pull out cookbooks and search for recipes to dazzle my family?  For the past decade or longer I've gotten away with making a single mince (no meat) pie.  Now granted the mince is homemade and sits, spiked with rum, for at least a month before I bake the pie. I still am making the mince pie; the mince is not homemade, but it is from a small local company, is all fruit and no preservatives and I will be spiking it with brandy.  BUT, the pie crust will be homemade instead of made by the Pillsbury Dough Boy although I will miss his happy little giggle. 

Then there's the Springerle.  These cookies are a favorite in my family and are hard to find.  Off and on over the years I have made them - it is about a three day process.  This year I decided to make them again, but my Springerle rolling pin was no where to be found.  I did however, find an item I had searched for back in June, so I figure I'll find the rolling pin next summer.  In the meantime, I bought a new one which is actually better than the old one.  My old recipe says to beat the eggs and sugar for a half hour - what!? When I made these in the past I was using a hand held mixer, I know I would not be standing holding that darned thing for 30 MINUTES.  That's just nuts.  So, using the new stand mixer, (Santa came early) I compromised, and the cookies are now drying on cookies sheets coated with anise seeds. 

All that's left is the gingerbread, peppermint meringues, and brandy-soaked chocolate covered cherries.  I think by the time I start on the candy I'll be using some of the brandy for "medicinal" purposes.  Will I bake a lot next year and complain about it - of course.  I wouldn't have it any other way.

Merry Christmas
Happy Hanukkah
Good Yule
And I wish everyone a safe and prosperous New Year!!!!!

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