Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Unanswered Prayers

In early May I went to Ohio to visit family, celebrate Mother's Day, and see my dear friend Daria.  She and I drove around the Oregon District, after a wonderful dinner at Coco's, and then we drove to St Anne's Hill where I used to live.  I drove down the street where an alcoholic a$$hole I once dated lived.  And then we drove to Oakwood where we managed to go around in a circle, coming from different directions, three times (this isn't really germane to my theme, it was just so hysterically funny at the time).

Anyway, a few weeks after I got home I reflected back on the time when I was involved with the alcoholic and all the prayers I prayed that he would change his ways (I eventually walked away from the relationship and never looked back). But then I started thinking about all the other times I have prayed for something over and over again and it hasn't come to pass.  And I realized the prayers were answered, just not in the way I was hoping for.  There is a higher power that knows what I need and won't always answer the prayer for something I want in the way I want

When I think about various things I've prayed for and they didn't come to pass I am overwhelmed by a sense of thankfulness that God chose to answer the prayer in his way, not mine.  My way would have eventually led to chaos and unhappiness and that is certainly not the way to live, not anymore.  And it makes me happy to know that God has my back!

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